Security Communications

Security Communications Systems

Physical communication systems play a crucial role in bolstering security measures within various environments. These services encompass the installation and maintenance of intercoms, public address systems, emergency notification devices, and other communication tools that facilitate real-time information dissemination and coordination during security incidents. By integrating these systems with security infrastructure, organizations can swiftly communicate security alerts, evacuation procedures, and critical information to occupants in the event of emergencies or security threats. Additionally, these systems enable seamless communication between security personnel, building occupants, and first responders, enhancing overall situational awareness and response effectiveness. Leveraging physical communication systems services not only ensures a rapid and coordinated response to security incidents but also contributes to creating a safer and more secure environment for all stakeholders.

Types of Communications Systems

Intercom Systems – Standalone communications for routine use. Provides audio and video communications between visitors or delivery services to ensure proper vetting prior to being granted access to a facility or campus.

Emergency Communications – Public or private help phones that allow people to quickly and easily contact first responders for assistance in an emergency. These phones are usually located in high-traffic, public areas such as parks, schools, transportation hubs, and shopping malls and parking garages.

Mass notification systems – Alert a large number of people about an emergency situation and provide instructions on how to respond.

  • In building
  • On campus (wide area)
  • Personal alert such as phone calls, emails, or SMS text
  • Public systems such as TV, radio, social media

Contact Us (813-570-8669) for a free consultation!

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